If you are a webmaster and business owner who has already tested SEO and you have succeeded in your goals, making your business’ website climb the rankings and
meeting the requirements of the search engines, then maybe you can consider becoming an SEO consultant, optimizing the websites of other businesses using the strategies you know and always keeping your eyes open for new trends and new ideas.
Being a successful SEO consultant means that first of all you have a good and deep understanding of how the search engines work and rank the websites. Especially if you have gained some experience from your own website and business, then you know that search engine optimization is a time consuming and hard process, working on multiple levels and demanding some practice and experience, especially in applying new techniques and practices.
When starting a business as an SEO consultant of course you should be able to present to your clients references and samples of websites you have been working on, because no matter how good your resume is, results are what counts in business, so that is what you should be able to provide. Create a portfolio and refer to the websites you successfully optimized for the search engines, achieving better rankings , so as to convince your new clientele that you have what it takes to boost their websites as well. It can be really challenging some times to convince people that you are better than your competitors so a good portfolio is more than necessary.
Of course it is needless to say that you have to be able to keep up on updates about new rules applied and the frequently changed regulations of the search engines. A good SEO should be creative, with high levels of adaptation capabilities, so as to face efficiently the changes that search engines deliberately bring in, in order to make the webmasters work more on their sites and increase the general standards of the World Wide Web. You have to be flexible and do regular research in order to keep track of all novelties in search engine processes, as well as perform some good keyword generation, always following the latest trends and discovering the popular words and phrases.
Being an SEO consultant means that you need to know how to create rich and quality content for websites and sales services, maintain good communication with clients, be able to answer to their questions and meet deadlines and needs, and most importantly show that you can confidently organize a campaign and implement your methods effectively in order to achieve your clients’ goals.
Articles are written in a variety of ways however every article is formatted using at universal style of writing. From the time we’re taught to write book reports or short stories, we’re all given the outline format to writing a good flowing piece. You should begin outlining the topic, although this is not the format of the article, it is used to create the content of the article. A flowing article will have three main parts the introduction, the body and the conclusions. Some articles will include a summation of the articles which leads into the conclusion. Your introduction will be the part of the article which will present the topic, most often it introduces the nature of the article. It should be written the presents a problem in a way that the reader will have to continue the article to get the solutions. The introduction should flow easily into the content or body of the article which provides in more detail the need for the article. Finally the article should end with the conclusion which give the solutions. This is the standard format of most articles in every type of media.
Search Engine Optimization articles, however, need to use specific techniques such as use keyword rich information while still being a flowing and entertaining article.
Writing articles in order to promote your business, services and products is a wise choice for any entrepreneur. As an added benefit to the "cost conscious" business owner, the only cost when employing this type of marketing is the cost of your time. Where to begin? Here's how!
Start by having your article proofread either by a professional or simply by another set of eyes. Sometimes another set of eyes is all you need to catch those pesky mistakes and errors. Next, add the content to your website. Make sure you have a catchy title and that your content is well researched. Grammar and spelling errors look unprofessional and should be avoided at all costs. Most start up web-based businesses can't really afford editors and proof readers but submitting professional content does not have to be expensive. There are websites out there that promote freelance writers willing to work for next to nothing and can produce great materials. It may be possible that fitting this type of employer into your website budget will be a great benefit to your site. Once you have the articles written and proofread, begin submitting your article to free article sites and posting your informational pieces on forums and discussion boards. That's it!
Once this information begins to circulate the Internet and each click generates a certain type of "word of mouth" you will begin to see that your efforts have been paid off ten-fold with the increase in traffic your site develops. Writing effective search engine optimization articles for your website is a win-win situation in the game of search engine marketing.
Every Internet provider will offer software to their patrons for search engine providers as well as team up with some of the widely used search engines providers to enhance the users ability to find information and business. Internet providers such as those used through local cable companies will also advertise memberships to these widely used search engine provides such as Google and Yahoo.
Yahoo is the largest Internet search engine provider. Followed closely by Google. therefore more companies want to advertise their businesses using these top search engine providers to expose their business. For example if you wanted information on statistics or recipes you could type in just the portion of the information you want and the Search engine will generate specific links to sites which provided the information requested.
Businesses rely on this functionality of the search engines to expose their business and generate more patron to their services. Google as well as Yahoo offers a variety of search engine packages to fit many business needs. However all packages offered are created for the specific amount exposure for the business is priced upon the amount business are welling to spend for search engine advertisement and therefore using the most widely used search engine providers will greatly benefit new businesses to the web.
The purpose of search engine marketing as well as the registration of your website's URL is to increase traffic to your website. When you use the most appropriate keywords describing the content of your site, search engines are your best tool, your most invaluable tool, in marketing your site.
Why some search engines are more popular than others is a confusing topic. Google, MSN, and Yahoo do get more media attention than say Ask.com and that may be the reason why they are used more often. It is important to choose the more commonly used search engines first and foremost when registering your URL. However, you would be remiss to completely overlook the lesser known search engines as well. Sometimes consumers are sick of the same old result pages when searching for a key word and will most likely turn to a lesser known and lesser used search engine for a fresh new look at the answers to their search query.
So be sure to also register with as many search engine sites as possible. The most common and lesser known search engine websites are listed below to help get you started!
All the Web.com
Direct Search
While in the process of SEO for your website and online business you will probably find out that there are many techniques and methods that developed search engines consider as unacceptable and many sites not only lose a good ranking but get banned and flagged when using some of those. There are also some regular methods followed within an SEO process that can lead to banning or at least lower ranking, if not used correctly.
Consider what fonts and colors you are using for your website. You already know that all major search engines consider the ‘same color font-same color background’ as a naughty technique as it is mostly used by webmasters who either want to hide some parts of the content or are up to some tricks. Style and colors in vogue is not something that search engines consider when ranking web pages so probably you should not consider it yourself either. Same applies to color combinations. If you have a blue webpage and use a white table with blue fonts, just because you like the color effect on screen, then you will be flagged, because the web crawlers will see a blue font on a blue background. It is a common mistake that many beginners make.
Avoid overcrowding your website with too much graphic and multimedia. First of all if not well appointed your website will look like a circus and will baffle the average visitor and second it is completely useless for the crawlers, as they are programmed to read and recognize text and text only. Rich content is what you really need and you should work diligently on this. Of course you need to include some graphics also so as to make the site look better and appealing - just do not overdo it.
Unintentional over optimization of a website is also a point to consider. Usually the search engines appreciate a comprehensive usage and density of keywords and meta tag elements, which means that you need to keep some natural flow in the text and make it both readable and understandable. You will not achieve anything if you overdo it. On the contrary you may be considered as spam and thus lose your ranking. If you feel you are over doing it, try to ‘de-optimize’ your website a little. Monitoring and updating your website is something you should do anyway so as to avoid and correct the mistakes when needed.
SEO stands for search engine optimization and is a way by which a page is altered or maintained keeping the search engines in mind. This means that the page is attempted to be designed in a manner which can prove helpful in displaying the site in the early search results when relevant information is searched for by a user.
There can be various advantages in keeping the page on the top search results. When a user searches for some information, they may not decide to browse through a lot of search results. But if the user can find the relevant link in the first few results then they may not think of going further to look for other links. They would be more likely to open the link found first and browse through the information from there. The point of the discussion being that, having the page displayed early has its advantages if relevant search is initiated by a user. This can be very helpful for people whose websites are more than just a way of sharing information. There are websites that conduct business online and the major parts of the sales are made through the internet. If their page is not accessible and is shadowed by a host of others, they are not likely to benefit from their online existence. Worse, they may even lose existing customers.
SEO training is a training program that is used to train people in techniques and ways by which a page can be optimized for a specific search engine. Different search engines have different ways which they use to judge the importance of a page. One of the ways used is the traffic density on the page and if more people visit a page, then the ranking of the will go up and they would be visible among the top few search results.
Other than that, there are also different techniques used. SEO training aims at training the interested people so that they may apply their skills on websites and make their ranking better. A trained person may specialize in optimization for a specific search engine because different search engines employ different methods to determine the importance of a website. So a person may choose to either master his techniques on one particular search engine or if he is truly passionate about SEO as a whole , may gain knowledge about the working of various other search engines that are also slowly gaining a foothold in the industry.
A number of individuals and businesses rely on professionals to help them better their websites. Only when a person is trained and qualified will he be able to deliver the kind of results that are expected.