SEO Guide

Every Internet provider will offer software to their patrons for search engine providers as well as team up with some of the widely used search engines providers to enhance the users ability to find information and business. Internet providers such as those used through local cable companies will also advertise memberships to these widely used search engine provides such as Google and Yahoo.

Yahoo is the largest Internet search engine provider. Followed closely by Google. therefore more companies want to advertise their businesses using these top search engine providers to expose their business. For example if you wanted information on statistics or recipes you could type in just the portion of the information you want and the Search engine will generate specific links to sites which provided the information requested.

Businesses rely on this functionality of the search engines to expose their business and generate more patron to their services. Google as well as Yahoo offers a variety of search engine packages to fit many business needs. However all packages offered are created for the specific amount exposure for the business is priced upon the amount business are welling to spend for search engine advertisement and therefore using the most widely used search engine providers will greatly benefit new businesses to the web.

The purpose of search engine marketing as well as the registration of your website's URL is to increase traffic to your website. When you use the most appropriate keywords describing the content of your site, search engines are your best tool, your most invaluable tool, in marketing your site.

Why some search engines are more popular than others is a confusing topic. Google, MSN, and Yahoo do get more media attention than say and that may be the reason why they are used more often. It is important to choose the more commonly used search engines first and foremost when registering your URL. However, you would be remiss to completely overlook the lesser known search engines as well. Sometimes consumers are sick of the same old result pages when searching for a key word and will most likely turn to a lesser known and lesser used search engine for a fresh new look at the answers to their search query.

So be sure to also register with as many search engine sites as possible. The most common and lesser known search engine websites are listed below to help get you started!

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