Being a successful SEO manager or webmaster, means that you have to first of all be able to adapt efficiently and effectively to all new rules and regulations applied by the various leading search engines and then use multiple optimization techniques in order to achieve your goal and get better rankings for your websites.
We all know that the benchmark of all SEOs is keyword rich content. However important it is, there are some other techniques that are appearing and becoming equally important for the potential success of an SEO strategic plan. Let’s have a look at some of them.
1. Blogging is by far the most popular trend lately and definitely for a reason. It is proved that blogging increases the visibility of a website when the writing is good, the content is gripping and the writer seems to have more to offer and suggest. People are thirsty for information and good writing and this is what makes blogging the number one trend in SEO right now. There are many blog directories and hosting websites online right now, with Wordpress and BlogSpot being the most famous and popular among them.
2. Social Bookmarking is also a new trend and effective off site optimization method that gets great attention, mostly because it is connected with the increased interest in social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook. There are numerous media and networks out there that give their users the chance to add links to their favorite websites and share them with their friends and networks. This phenomenon is definitely capable of increasing your site popularity if you work towards this direction, because it can be a tremendous source of highly desired back links. Moreover the traffic in this case is what you really need - quality traffic , since people who will clink on your link will be people who would be aware of what you sell or what your business is about, having read some good feedback about you and your services.
3. Article marketing is not probably a new trend but it is always developing and evolving. There are article directories and warehouses where webmasters and advertisers can post their articles and advertise their businesses, usually completely free. It is the most preferred SEO technique, for the same reason that blogging became so popular.
SEO works undoubtedly on multiple levels and it can be really hard to follow all new trends. There is no reason to worry though because applying all techniques at once is not a good idea anyway. You need to make sure you have completed one in order to go to the next level. This is a small guide just to have an idea of what you can do and towards which direction you can head next.
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